What We Do


Our »RundfunkchorLounge« is far more than a relaxed concert format in one of Berlin’s hottest event locations. In discussions with special guests and via the musical selection, we take up current and timeless topics concerning us all as an ensemble, and the whole of society. Musically, the Lounges will be characterized by full ensemble work as well as chamber music formations; the respective guests will be announced shortly beforehand. As always, doors open at 7 pm and the program will begin at 7.30 pm. DJ Malfatti will provide suitably atmospheric lounge music.


Our Lounges
Kampagnenmotiv RundfunkchorLounge
Kampagnenmotiv RundfunkchorLounge
Kampagnenmotiv RundfunkchorLounge
Kampagnenmotiv RundfunkchorLounge
Kampagnenmotiv RundfunkchorLounge
Kampagnenmotiv RundfunkchorLounge
Kampagnenmotiv Roksolana Chraniuk
Kampagnenmotiv Roksolana Chraniuk
Kampagnenmotiv Roksolana Chraniuk
Die Moderatorin Josette Micheler lacht.
Josette Micheler hält sich lachend die Hand vor das Gesicht.