Recap: »human requiem«

Note: concerts have already taken place
»Mystery 14 Human Requiem« in Eleusis, Greece
The ancient Eleusinian Mysteries are the starting point of this site specific re-creation of »human requiem« based on the German Requiem by Johannes Brahms. This transcendental musical work is reflecting the same existential questions like the legendary Eleusinian Mysteries which have been celebrated for more than 2.000 years in ancient times. It is not a mass for the dead but a ritual to celebrate life: a memento mori transforming into a carpe diem. The staged production of the Brahms Requiem by Jochen Sandig and a team from Sasha Waltz & Guests became a milestone of the Rundfunkchor Berlin’s successful interdisciplinary series. In 2016, the production made it onto the New York Times »best of the year« List and was declared as the »anthem of our time«; in addition, it received the Classical:NEXT Innovation Award.
Through »Human Requiem in Eleusis« archaeology comes alive again: the ancient site comes alive through this production and visitors of the archaeological site are offered a deeper experience. The ancient Sanctuary of Eleusis is transformed into an open space of community and collective catharsis. Text, body, space and sound merge in a total work of art.