Immerse yourself in our Berlin festive mass based on Ludwig van Beethoven's »Missa solemnis«.
With the »Missa solemnis«, Beethoven wrote one of the greatest choral works ever. Not only because it is immensely artfully composed, moving music. But also because Beethoven goes beyond the traditional framework and makes his own personal confession of faith out of a work that is supposed to capture a church service in music. »Et expecto […] vitam venturi saeculi« – »I expect […] the life of the world to come«, is the final movement of the »Credo«, which Beethoven interprets in a comforting way.
What filled Beethoven, the great humanist, with confidence is for us today, 200 years later, also filled with worry, often even fear: What will the world of tomorrow look like?
In the 25-minute documentary, director Tilman Hecker, chief conductor and musical director Gijs Leenaars, composer Birke J. Bertelsmeier, artists Mohammad Reza Mortazavi, Moor Mother, Planningtorock, Colin Self and dramaturge Dominikus Müller provide insights into the idea, the conception and their collaboration with regard to the themes and music of Beethoven’s mass as the starting point for the extraordinary musical journey into the world of tomorrow.
Insides to to project by director Tilman Hecker and dramaturg Dominikus Müller
Director’s NoteInformation of the artists and guests
The Artists The CastThe history of the Club SchwuZ
SchwuZ History