Information concerning the cancellation of concerts

Corresponding with the regulation of the federal government of Berlin from April 21st regarding the necessary measures for the containment of COVID-19 which includes the prohibition of large events in Berlin, our concerts can not take place until the end of the day on July 31st 2020. This means that the 2019/20 season has to end prematurely. Since we are part of the public-service broadcasting, concerts can still be heard via Deutschlandfunk Kultur and rbb Kultur, as well as on the internet and via social media.
For our subscribers, we offer a refund for tickets for the concerts during this period. We are happy to refund the price of tickets which have already been purchased but would also gladly exchange tickets for a voucher.
It is also possible to donate the ticket price. In this case, please send your tickets to the visitor’s service and include a note with referene to the donation .
Tickets can be refunded by the visitor’s service of the Rundfunkchor Berlin. Please send the tickets including your full name and your banking details (IBAN and BIC) to the following address:
Besucherservice Rundfunkchor Berlin
Charlottenstraße 56
10117 Berlin
The visitor’s service is available from Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM via phone 030/20 29 87 22 or eMail
For concerts of external promoters, please contact the respective sales point for ticket returns